(i) To begin with both legs straight in front of you, inhale raise the arms up while at the same time lengthening my spine, press the thighs down into the floor and actively through the heels.
(ii) Keeping the torso long, exhale lean forward slowly from the hip joints (not the waist as this would curl your back), lengthen the tailbone to the floor.
It is not yet a perfect paschimottanasana, but I believe eventually I will be able to stretch my arms out beyond the feet on the floor :)
Oh the benefits of paschimottanasana? Check this out:
- Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression
- Stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings
- Stimulates the liver, kidneys, ovaries, and uterus
- Improves digestion
- Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort
- Soothes headache and anxiety and reduces fatigue
- Therapeutic for high blood pressure, infertility, insomnia, and sinusitis
- Traditional texts say that Paschimottanasana increases appetite, reduces obesity, and cures diseases.
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