Friday, June 17, 2011

Asana Room

Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana - One-legged King Pigeon Pose, one of the challenge poses that I love very much. The pose is simply gorgeous but it does take me some effort and time before I can come fully into this pose, as I think I've a pretty stiff back muscles. Backbending is somehow the most intimidating practice for me. My back is always sore especially lower back after practice. So I use heating pad and tiger balm occasionally to massage them (can't wait to go massage back home!!)

There are many preparatory poses to warm up before, here's one of the article giving a sequence of practices that I found great to follow. My current practice:

- The strap helps me to work on my hip flexors, upper arm stretching as well as opening up my chest

Now before I grab hold of my back bent foot, I use a strap to help working on the rotation of the arm. Step by step, slowly try with one hand, in this case right hand while placing left hand on the left thigh, then I reach out with my left hand to the strap, stretching both upper arms together. It's important to keep the pelvis square instead of tilting one side (may try placing a block or blanket underneath the left hip). To deepen the stretch, walk down the strap or foot thoughtfully, take a few deep breaths while staying in this pose.

Sometimes I can do better, sometimes I feel stiff, no matter what, just keep practicing with faith.

1 comment:

  1. I love this pose too! :) It opens everything up - the chest, the legs...and I feel freer and 'bigger' after I do it.
